Blogging Do's

The risks of blogging are real because students are posting information on the world wide web. A good place to start is by allowing only comments on the blog. The comments will be moderated by the blogmaster before they are published. Students do not need to login. Please keep these things in mind:
  • Notify parents, get permission and send them the link to the blog so they can monitor and also so they can be part of the audience.
  • Remind students about your school's acceptable use policy.
  • Make sure students never post comments with their full names. A better solution is to use initials or pen names.
  • Make students aware of what subject matter is appropriate and permissible.
  • Help them understand the difference between formal written language and slang often used for IM and text messages. Make sure they use good grammar.
  • Use this opportunity to promote the writing process, teaching them how to edit, copy and paste, and spellcheck on the computer. 
  • Teach students the importance of tone and respect for others' opinions.
  • Have clear expectations, rules, and consequences.
  • Remember that with risk comes growth and learning.
  • Make sure students NEVER post personal information on the blog.
  • Most importantly, monitor those comments carefully.

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Post a Comment

The comments on the blog are being moderated. Please keep your response short and concise. Remember to follow these rules:

1. Your comment cannot reveal any private information.

2. STUDENTS: Sign all comments with your chosen pen name to identify yourself to this group only. Adults can use their own name, if desired.

3. Use correct web etiquette that includes formal, appropriate language, not text message slang..

4. Do not fill the comment box with unnecessary punctuation, use words instead.

5. Be respectful and considerate when replying to the ideas of others.

6. STUDENTS: When asked to CHOOSE AN IDENTITY before submitting your post for moderation, choose "anonymous" so your name is not revealed in the blog..Adults can use their own name, if desired.